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57 posts
Easy, meatless and local recipes.

The Most Delicious Carrot & Sweet Potato Soup

Confession here. I've never been much of a soup girl. I mean, not that I was ever opposed. How else can you heal a cold without Chicken Noodle? (Now it's "Chickn" noodle.) Or the occasional Grilled Cheese MUST has Tomato Soup for that gooey, dipping perfection. But beyond that? I didn't want to waste time making soup. But now that I've been getting a CSA for over 3 years and my schedule has NOT slowed down, it's nearly impossible to keep up with all of these damn veggies. But now, I can can saute a few, add water/stock and Voila! I can divide soup into mason jars, stick them in the freezer and pull out a lunch without worrying about BPA or whether it's organic. Because, duh, I made it from farm-fresh, local & organic vegetables. So soup has saved me. Find the recipe for this delicious soup, after the jump:
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White Bean and Kale Soup

I love creating soups over the weekends to devour throughout the week. One of my many favorites (especially during the Fall season) is White Bean and Kale soup. I love this soup for 3 reasons: it’s healthy, easy & cheap (perfect for any budget).
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Chia Seed Pudding with Hemp Hearts

I don't know about you guys, but the last thing I want to do during the summer is labor over complicated recipes.  It was way.too.long of a winter for that nonsense. This recipe is perfect for days (summer or not) when you're craving a creamy, healthy and easy breakfast or snack. It only takes about 5 minutes to whip up. I like to make it at night and enjoy for breakfast. Since I've discovered hemp hearts a few months ago, I've been adding them to everything and I discovered they make a great topping for chia seed pudding.  They add a mild nutty flavor, and hemp seeds are an excellent source of essential amino acids - something uncommon for plant protein sources. Two tablespoons contains about 6 grams of fat, 2 grams of fiber, and 5 grams of protein. Find out the recipe, after the jump!
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Chilled Vegetarian Orzo Salad

I was recently looking for an easy side recipe to bring to a potluck and remembered this lovely summer recipe my mom frequently creates. Orzo salad is simple and refreshing. And the best part is that all the ingredients are effortlessly found at any CSA or farmers’ market. The dish is easy to prepare and open to interpretation and experimentation. If you’re having a hard time with an abundance of veggies, orzo salad can use all your leftover CSA vegetables. Find the recipe, after the jump!
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Summer Vegetable Frittata

Gardens and farms are showering us with fresh summer veggies as we hit the middle of summer! Have local, CSA or farmer’s market vegetables that you don’t know what to do with? Here’s an easy vegetarian recipe to try using July’s harvests. A perfect accompaniment for breakfast or brunch, this summer vegetable frittata is a great way to get in your daily servings of veggies.
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Roasted Spaghetti Squash, Tomato & Zucchini Recipe

Do you have local or CSA vegetables that you don’t know what to do with? Well, this yummy recipe is great for July because all the major ingredients are in their prime. I love squash, zucchini, and tomatoes because they are packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Carotenoids, Lutein, and Beta-Carotene. Which means this dish is PERFECT to help you fend off cancer, heart disease, and the effect of aging (not that I need it just yet). It’s also a great, easy vegetarian meal to share with up to 4 people. Roasted Spaghetti Squash, Tomato & Zucchini Recipe:
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Spicy Shrimp Tacos Recipe

Summer is officially here! Beaches, Fourth of July, Barbecues, Swimming, Tacos… Yes, tacos! Something about tacos puts me in a relaxed mood. (Or maybe it’s the margarita that I sip on while I make a batch…) Tacos are a spicy, flavorful meal; plus they’re super easy to make with a few ingredients from your CSA. I prefer shrimp tacos because of the high protein, low fat, and digestibility. It’s also chalked full of GOOD fats, like monounsaturated or omegas also found in avocados, olive oil and walnuts. It’s also great for those who aren’t ready to be totally meat-free yet.
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Banana Protein Muffins Recipe

I'm convinced that most banana muffin recipes are born as a result of a bunch of bananas sitting on the counter about to go bad. Well, at least that's the situation I find myself in every time I bake with bananas. So I had my browning bananas and I happened to be craving a good muffin.  BUT I really wanted these muffins to contain some protein. If I don't eat protein with my breakfast I'm typically hangry (angry hungry) shortly after. I also had hopes of keeping these fairly low sugar to avoid that post breakfast sugar crash that occurs with most bakery muffins. Suddenly I was inspired and these banana protein muffins were born. I was a little nervous baking with stevia for the first time, but ended up being pleaseantly surprised. These banana protein muffins are so good with a little bit of earth balance, peanut butter or even jam! (And they passed the husband test too). Click through for the recipe.
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